Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Was not expecting that... GROOVE! "Creativity, Is Intelligence And Imagination Having Fun". Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms.

TALKING GIBBERISH. Oh god, same crap different day.Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams.dances in the streets, birds and bees, good times, glory dazes to come.

Was not expecting that... GROOVE! "Creativity, Is Intelligence And Imagination Having Fun". Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams.dances in the streets, birds and bees, good times, glory dazes to come.


Woman KNOW Thyself is with El Peto.,Pages to turn, history to note, games with dogs, games with snakes, life and love, horns of a goat, love and hate, to change, by the minute.ALL I CAN SAY: LOVE, LUCK, LESSONS.

Was not expecting that... GROOVE! "Creativity, Is Intelligence And Imagination Having Fun". Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Image may contain: text that says 'In life you will meet two kinds of people. Ones who build you up, and ones who tear you down. But in the end, you will thank them both.'

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain. Fairies, they are out at the end of the rainbow.What about you? You don’t need anyone’s approval:

Have fun, will let your third party know, how wonderful you are. So much growth to exchange. Specific are for the birds, no idea who you are, you are not my kind of person. Mistakes in identifying who and what you are. 

Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain. Fairies, they are out at the end of the rainbow.What about you? You don’t need anyone’s approval: Live your life and do what makes you happy .The Secret To Failure Is This: Trying To Please Everyone.

Have a wonderful day, with head buried, lots of luck. Turning out lights now. Another snake to dodge.Good afternoon brother's and sister's. Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. Many blessings. White Feather".When you change your mind about you everything and everyone changes with you. #Magic.Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain. Fairies, they are out at the end of the rainbow.What about you? You don’t need anyone’s approval:

Hello my Joy, Hope, but not sure if you got my email replies. Immensely enjoy the beautiful firework display of words you seem to effortlessly catapult over Sleeping Beauty's Castle.Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. Many blessings. White Feather".When you change your mind about you everything and everyone changes with you. #Magic

More mountains, more blue oceans, more rainbows to follow.Fool You Once .Back to the start, boy meets girl, calls on the phone, chat about life, what was, and what will be.Down to earth. Wishes, Hopes,Defined:

Have fun, will let your third party know, how wonderful you are. So much growth to exchange. Specific are for the birds, no idea who you are, you are not my kind of person. Mistakes in identifying who and what you are. 

Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain. Fairies, they are out at the end of the rainbow.What about you? You don’t need anyone’s approval: Live your life and do what makes you happy .The Secret To Failure Is This: Trying To Please Everyone.

Peek-a-Boo... I miss you!!! 👶🏽 Always out for yourself, hands closed, trying to keep what you have, never giving anything away.I think the older we get the harder it is to meet some one.Maybe part fear of rejection and part the unknown.Party views, third party, fourth party, more party views to come, lights to turn on, history to note, lovers and haters, hard to tell.Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. Many blessings. White Feather".When you change your mind about you everything and everyone changes with you. #Magic.

More mountains, more blue oceans, more rainbows to follow.Fool You Once .Back to the start, boy meets girl, calls on the phone, chat about life, what was, and what will be.Down to earth. Wishes, Hopes,Defined:


Have fun, will let your third party know, how wonderful you are. So much growth to exchange. Specific are for the birds, no idea who you are, you are not my kind of person. Mistakes in identifying who and what you are. 

Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain. Fairies, they are out at the end of the rainbow.What about you? You don’t need anyone’s approval: Live your life and do what makes you happy .The Secret To Failure Is This: Trying To Please Everyone.

Have fun, will let your third party know, how wonderful you are. So much growth to exchange. Specific are for the birds, no idea who you are, you are not my kind of person. Mistakes in identifying who and what you are. Have a wonderful day, with head buried, lots of luck. Turning out lights now. Another snake to dodge.Good afternoon brother's and sister's. Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. Many blessings. White Feather"

Most men and women have a laundry list of what they want their ideal dream mate to have. And you can match that list perfectly except when you finally meet face to face in the real world all of that doesn't matter if there is no chemistry nor physical attraction. 420 to break ice is better for first meeting, it is my point of view, do you agree?Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. Many blessings. White Feather".When you change your mind about you everything and everyone changes with you. #Magic
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Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections.Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. Many blessings. White Feather".When you change your mind about you everything and everyone changes with you. #Magic


Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections.Party views, third party, fourth party, more party views to come, lights to turn on, history to note, lovers and haters, hard to tell.

So what am I looking for? To meet you and see if there is any physical attraction and chemistry and then we can discuss all the rest of the details and see if we would make a good couple. Does any of this make sense to you?

So many times .Ooh La La.SEEKER OF TRUTH.School of Hard Knocks:Spinning Tops, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks Of Fame, Walks In The Park. Vaccination: How the West Invades the World.Party views, third party, fourth party, more party views to come, lights to turn on, history to note, lovers and haters, hard to tell.

'SEE YOU IN HELL.“Good byes". What is Life –a dream. Full ... as a sunbeam in May; Joy and pains, bumps in the roads, lessons to be learn, good and bad, coins to flip, cards on the table, life and death, cards to flip. It just doesn’t seem like advertising, and it doesn’t cost you millions of dollars.Party views, third party, fourth party, more party views to come, lights to turn on, history to note, lovers and haters, hard to tell.

Magic Kingdom has topped  @TripAdvisor 's annual Traveler's Choice Awards, with six more  @DisneyParks  destinations making the list! SparklesCongrats to our cast members, who make magic for guests at our parks and resorts around the world!

Image may contain: one or more people, meme and text

Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections.
Image may contain: 1 person, hat and closeup
So many times .Ooh La La.SEEKER OF TRUTH.School of Hard Knocks:Spinning Tops, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks Of Fame, Walks In The Park. Vaccination: How the West Invades the World.

Image may contain: text

But this is a universal law to all things.And regardless of how many like to try to alter the time and seasons God set up in our lives by trying to manipulate time it will not be altered.What is Cool? Who is Cool? Why is it Cool? Who determines what's Cool?

Horns Hidden: Day Jobs, Nuts And Freaks, Dates..Fairy Tales daily life,adventures all the time,trips to never-lands, Peter Pan. God guys,good guys,depends on the day for some. So what do , do you work with the weather, and hope it stops and that will be the end of it, we can only pray. Whiteness in snow is so clean looking, you just can not eat the yellow spots that may be in the snow, and you have to watch for the rocks under the fields of snow, that nobody needs for the good times, or the bad ones. Bend Coppers Twisted:


Image may contain: food

Everything God release is a result of the fullness of time.In the fullness of time .Good morning all to my sweet friends.Happy Sunday .What is Cool? Who is Cool? Why is it Cool? Who determines what's Cool?


Blue Dreams In Motions: Dances On Time: Rewards 2.Bless this spirit and shine.Everybody loves to hate on people who write about Vampires.Ice cold: Vanilla Ice will perform for thousands in Texas, where coronavirus cases are surging. "We didn't have coronavirus" in 1990s, the rapper said.Can it be Friday everyday!Politics & Insights.Beaches and Dreams: Darkness In The Nines, Blue Stars To Shoot: Daily Stars .

Image may contain: 1 person, horse and outdoor
There is no greater match. True love has no rival. Rites, Reasons, Rainbow Racers, Heads Up, Clouds Of Birds In The Air, Angels On Calls.There is a time to die and live..a time to learn and teach...a time to fight and a time to retreat.A time to struggle and succeed.There are many who do not like to flow with times and seasons.What is Cool? Who is Cool? Why is it Cool? Who determines what's Cool?

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and shoes

Lucky In Life, Lucky In Love, Wild And Free, Wild Hogs.Setting standards. What Every Woman Should Have: Humor.Endless possibilities.Let negative thoughts go.

Watch your thoughts and think with a positive attitude.What is Cool? Who is Cool? Why is it Cool? Who determines what's Cool? Everything God release is a result of the fullness of time.In the fullness of time.

Everything God release is a result of the fullness of time.In the fullness of time .Good morning all to my sweet friends.Happy Sunday .What is Cool? Who is Cool? Why is it Cool? Who determines what's Cool?


Black and white matters, joys and pains, lover and haters, birds and bees, black and yellow, good fellows. Movies to make, oceans of blue to create, full decks and the box is not open. Gifts to share, how we start, full decks, and brand new worlds to create, blue oceans.

TALKING GIBBERISH. Oh god, same crap different day.Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams.dances in the streets, birds and bees, good times, glory dazes to come. But this is a universal law to all things.And regardless of how many like to try to alter the time and seasons God set up in our lives by trying to manipulate time it will not be altered. What is Cool? Who is Cool? Why is it Cool? Who determines what's Cool?

Keep you head up, lessons to learn, hopes to hang on: pain ends, words to define, good luck. Keep the lights on, candles in the winds, kids at heart. Don't be afraid to shine, the world needs your light. GABBY BERNSTEIN'.TALKING GIBBERISH. Oh god, same crap different day.Tricks, Trades, Barter Wits And Charms. Dreams.dances in the streets, birds and bees, good times, glory dazes to come. But this is a universal law to all things.And regardless of how many like to try to alter the time and seasons God set up in our lives by trying to manipulate time it will not be altered. What is Cool? Who is Cool? Why is it Cool? Who determines what's Cool?
Everything God release is a result of the fullness of time.In the fullness of time .Good morning all to my sweet friends.Happy Sunday .What is Cool? Who is Cool? Why is it Cool? Who determines what's Cool?

NEW MARKET TO FARM, NEW PRODUCTS AND SERVICES TO PROVIDE, SEARCHING FOR THE OTHER PEOPLE, TO CLIMB ON BOARD TO ADDRESS THIS ISSUE. WILL YOU STAND AND BE COUNTED, KINGS, KNIGHTS, LEADERS OF THE BAND, HANDS TO HOLD, WHILE WE CLIMB THIS MOUNTAIN TOGETHER. But this is a universal law to all things.And regardless of how many like to try to alter the time and seasons God set up in our lives by trying to manipulate time it will not be altered.

  Hey. You need a hug, I think. I'm sending you one right now. It's gonna be okay.Other People’s Money. Hey, quick question. Would you like to earn income by lending other people's money?Chasing The Monuments.TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK (And How to Become One of Them)".

TIME TO TURN THE PAGE:Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves. I was smiling yesterday, I'm smiling today, and I will smile tomorrow simply 'cause life… -

Do you know Tom?How about Dick, or Harry, Tom's dick, is not hairy, have to laugh,back in the day, what a son to shine, waves to makes, faces in the mud.Coins To Cards, Winners,Losers,Learners, Dimes To Drop, Family Affairs, Heads To Count. Fairy Tales.

Time to turn the lights on, the sun is setting and the colors are better than yesterday, just my point of view, love to see the flashing colors against the blues, and the yellows that make up the sunset.'"If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn't value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?"

They live, they grow,they expand. Stars born daily, lights to shine, sons of light, truth, peace and joy. Swingers To Dodge, Snake Dens Sells: Ghorm de Lhairh... Frogs and trips to get to the top, stepping stones, pictures to tell an tale of the good times, life of a frog or two. Hope for the best, hope with bright lights, purple stars, purple people, fairy tales to share. 

Remember the time.Coins, cons, cards, clowns to the left, simple, slow, stupid to the left, stuck in the middle, crooks, cheaters. Craigslist frogs, plenty of fish in the seas, good time toads, faces in the shadows:

Blue dreams, blue oceans, rides on the seven seas, rocks and rolls, over the rocks under the waves, good times to cheer. Dreams and wishes, hopes and prayers in the air, battles to win,  fires of heat. Tales of love and hate, time to get down, writing more stories of the stones that were toss, frogs and snakes left to bake in the sun. Happy and delighted with days on the sunny side of the moon, dates to set with the giants on land, giants on the earth, giants to sail the seven seas. 

Inline image

Captions and sailers, ships to sail, glory dazes again.Monkeys to see, races to run, good times, and tales of joys and pains, bumps in the road. Monkeys to dance around the mulberry trees, the dogwood trees, games in the woods... Pieces of a Dream: Love and Hate, Goats And Cows, Sheep To Feed, Daily Chores.

'"If someone doesn't value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it? If someone doesn't value logic, what logical argument could you provide to show the importance of logic?"

Adult Lounge❤Thickness Paradise ( post all u want ) NO NUDES OF FROGS..Adult Humour!No Free Rides.Love My Gems. "Naw girl, you want that Knigga, you can have him!Family Affairs: Cows, Pigs, Hogs, Jewish Wales:.. :One Nation :God Bless America.Time Frames.

Black and white matters, joys and pains, lover and haters, birds and bees, black and yellow, good fellows. Movies to make, oceans of blue to create, full decks and the box is not open. Gifts to share, how we start, full decks, and brand new worlds to create, blue oceans.
Witches, bitches, babes, soul sisters, rings around the world, wishes on stars, races to the end of the rainbows.  🌞A GOOD MAN ❤TRADING KUSH FOR SEX WITH DICKS.. Attention Walmart Shoppers 🔊.Don't be afraid to shine, the world needs your light. GABBY BERNSTEIN'.

Hopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Walks Of Life: Paths Taken, Hopes, Dreams, Fame 2. Battles And Wars Won: Life Is A Beach, A Mountain, A Song To Sing: Daily Treats. Songs to sing, better dazes to come.Don't be afraid to shine, the world needs your light. GABBY BERNSTEIN'.
Have fun, will let your third party know, how wonderful you are. So much growth to exchange. Specific are for the birds, no idea who you are, you are not my kind of person. Mistakes in identifying who and what you are. Have a wonderful day, with head buried, lots of luck. Turning out lights now. Another snake to dodge.Good afternoon brother's and sister's. Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. Many blessings. White Feather".Don't be afraid to shine, the world needs your light. GABBY BERNSTEIN'.

  • Stop using my image."Pieces of a Dream: Angels, Dragons, Fairy Tales Tops,Coins, Crooks,  Cheaters, Liars, Faces In Shadows, Silent Knights, Black, Yellow, Worms In  Snakes. Good Time Frogs.
All Posts - Duke University Libraries Blogs
Black and white matters, joys and pains, lover and haters, birds and bees, black and yellow, good fellows. Movies to make, oceans of blue to create, full decks and the box is not open. Gifts to share, how we start, full decks, and brand new worlds to create, blue oceans.

Image may contain: plant, flower, night and nature, text that says 'The moon is magic for the soul At S0X'
Here comes the wave of words, winter blues, early this year, or not, horse and pony shows, witches, bitches with stars, faces in the clouds. Guns N' Roses - Civil War.Sheri Gerstein Jarrot: Fag Hag, Hairdresser In Wigs? Donkey For Free Rides?Slugs, Sluts, Snakes 2? Balls In Air, Goods Out (Upland) Friends to find, good times to get the balls out, party and play, party and trade, dicks in line, sucking skills..

I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human, I'm not perfect but I'm thankful.Lucky breaks, walks in the park, sunny and bright, heads above the common

 🌞A GOOD MAN ❤TRADING KUSH FOR SEX WITH DICKS.. Attention Walmart Shoppers 🔊.toHopes,Wishes, Dreams In Motions: Walks Of Life: Paths Taken, Hopes, Dreams, Fame 2. Battles And Wars Won: Life Is A Beach, A Mountain, A Song To Sing: Daily Treats. Songs to sing, better dazes to come.


Pieces of a Dream: Angels, Dragons, Fairy Tales Tops,Coins, Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Faces In Shadows, Silent Knights, Black, Yellow, Worms In Snakes. Good Time Frogs.

Life is an adventure. Time To Spare, Retired, Alone Again. You: Searching high, searching here and there, just one true blue knight, fall to winter years, tall, hairs to blow, sunny and bright. 

CRAWLING DARKNESS Lightning kisses my numb skull. Heart burns. My life is not dull. I see your dry eyes and grinning. Crows of destiny, stop singing. I`m the panegyrist of Evolution.

Cattlecall Notes; Greener Grass?Check out this Amazon deal: Chasing The Monuments. In like Flynn.Life Is A Beach, A Mountain Climb, Roads Traveled. CRAWLING DARKNESS Lightning kisses my numb skull. Heart burns. My life is not dull. I see your dry eyes and grinning. Crows of destiny, stop singing. I`m the panegyrist of Evolution.

Dicks and Dawgs: Fags Out Of Box.-TO MY FRIENDS-- Today, let's be able to say with ...Blue Oceans To Create.USMC, Homes For The Brave.Cattlecall Notes; Greener Grass?Check out this Amazon deal: Chasing The Monuments.
Let’s unite! Jump on this train, no ticket required Ticket. It’s easy!Dreams dancing on cloud nine, mercy and goodness, angels on hand, hand out to help the lost, warm arms at rest. Angels in packs, angels in hosts, angels everywhere.It's all about perception. You create your own reality because in your world, it is .

Thinking, doing, seeing, and feeling, STORY,Thank you Universe for allowing me to see beyond the limits of fear. Thank you Universe for divinely guiding me to my purpose. Thank you Universe for loving me beyond measure.


WISHESHOPESDREAMINMOTIONSANSWERSONHI.BLOGSPOT.COM Houses Of May: Asset Finders.🤡LAST CHANCE.Every mind is its own world. It’s all about perception. You create your own reality because in your world, it is of importance.


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Houses Of May: Asset Finders.🤡LAST CHANCE.Every mind is its own world. It’s all about perception. You create your own reality because in your world, it is of importance. Thinking, seeing, doing, and feeling, steps to remember, when writing for a call to action. 

Be Daring,Lee. P.S. This is probably one of the most SIMPLE models for generating paydays in real estate.In fact, with this information, several people--with ZERO previous experience--have pulled in checks for 22K... 39K... 52K... even using this same process you'll learn on one of today's FINAL masterclasses. No Defined: 


MAGICAL BOX THAT SPEAKS.No Defined: Next Open Door: "It's Like Creating Money Out of Thin Air!"  Standards, senior, giant, tall, witty, wise, heads above common, jacks and marbles intact, back in time,baby boomer, leader of the band. Retired from rat races, house on the block, time to spare. Tell me something good. I wish I knew what I do now ,back then when life was constantly in the way.
78374, TX currently has 57 vacant properties, 21 pre-foreclosures, and 3,349 other types of investment properties. The banks are holding 21 REO properties ...
8052 CR 4339, PORTLAND, TX 78374 is a single family home that has 0 bedrooms and 0 baths and is currently listed as a vacant property. See all photos.

Life is an adventure. Time To Spare, Retired, Alone Again. You: Searching high, searching here and there, just one true blue knight, fall to winter years, tall, hairs to blow, sunny and bright.

Cattlecall Notes; Greener Grass?Check out this Amazon deal: Chasing The Monuments. In like Flynn.Life Is A Beach, A Mountain Climb, Roads Traveled.
211 GHENT PL, PORTLAND, TX 78374 is a single family home that has 0 bedrooms and 0 baths and is currently listed as a vacant property. See all photos.
2409 OAK BROOK DR, PORTLAND, TX 78374 is a single family home that has 0 bedrooms and 0 baths and is currently listed as a vacant property. See all ...
1701 MEMORIAL PKWY, PORTLAND, TX 78374 is a single family home that has 0 bedrooms and 0 baths and is currently listed as a vacant property. See all ...
105 BLANCO DR, PORTLAND, TX 78374 is a single family home that has bedrooms and 0 baths and is currently listed as a vacant property. See all photos.
912 BAYVIEW BLVD, PORTLAND, TX 78374 is a single family home that has bedrooms and 0 baths and is currently listed as a vacant property. See all photos.
2213 Post Oak, PORTLAND, TX 78374 this # SF Single-family investment property is for sale on Connected Investors for $150000. Main Highlight Here.
This property was purchased by STEWART RICKY DALE. As of 04/14/2020 the estimated market value is $78,374. This property in the 70663 zip code and the ...

 I`m the enemy of Devolution. I see the land. It`s not mine. I`m a stranger to the home pine. Creeping doubt follows my back. Flight of ideas is delayed. I`m slack. Borer of memories drills my ears. 

Sky belly feels the mountain spears. New day is the birth of my bleak muse. Soul archive has the painful bruise. I see the land. It`s not mine. I`m a stranger to the home pine. Derelict seed seeks the better soil. Future avoids me. I can`t be spoilt. Tornado is a dancer. I dance with him. 

Earth is my sea. I adore to swim. Termites sing the lullaby to eat my stool. I sculpt my freedom. Hope is my tool. I see the land. It`s not mine. I`m a stranger to the home pine

  Hope and fires, dreams of life for a moment in time, trips to the beach, trips to the moon and back, good times. Dreams in motion, dancing words, dancing dreams in my head, songs to create, songs to play, good times, to stand still. Gifts of words, tales in the air, good and bad, bumps in the road. Dreams in colors, dreams of hope, dreams of a better life, dreams in motion, moons to lights, good times.

Gifts of words, tales in the air, good and bad, bumps in the road. Dreams in colors, dreams of hope, dreams of a better life, dreams in motion, moons to lights, good times.

Santa's Ho-Ho-Home Is Here, Hopes, Wishes, Dreams In Actions. Hats, horns, bells to ring, home at last. Hits and misses, riding waves, creating blue oceans of houses, homes for veterans.
Mad World: Rules Daily, Heads To Count, Winners, Losers, Learners, Coins To Pay. Harrasment or disrespect to other members will not be tolerated. Post- Political, funny, odd, historical, gore, anything comic-related, etc .OH, HAPPY DAY!️️🦌🦅The portal to the realm of Death.Into The Woods, Into The Water, Into The Dark: Veterans Homeless Blues.

Frogs and trips to get to the top, stepping stones, pictures to tell an tale of the good times, life of a frog or two. Hope for the best, hope with bright lights, purple stars, purple people, fairy tales to share. Trips in the water, trips into the woods, trips to hell and back, frogs and fish to see. Pictures of life as a frogs, life as a snake, flipping coins, lights on, songs to sing, frogs and snakes to watch. I`m the enemy of Devolution. I see the land. It`s not mine. I`m a stranger to the home pine. Creeping doubt follows my back. Flight of ideas is delayed. I`m slack. Borer of memories drills my ears. 

Games to be played, fingers to point, to blame others, frogs and snakes to see the lights, good and bad. Let's go, to see the songs to play, the fairy tales, in the end we all are going to die. What is it all for, do not let the stars get lost, hopes and dreams, to go crazy, need to dream, need to dance. Glory dazes done, going crazy, not to stand still, frogs to climb on the back of the other frogs, games of real life.

Frogs and trips to get to the top, stepping stones, pictures to tell an tale of the good times, life of a frog or two. Hope for the best, hope with bright lights, purple stars, purple people, fairy tales to share. Trips in the water, trips into the woods, trips to hell and back, frogs and fish to see. Pictures of life as a frogs, life as a snake, flipping coins, lights on, songs to sing, frogs and snakes to watch. Games to be played, fingers to point, to blame others, frogs and snakes to see the lights, good and bad. Let's go, to see the songs to play, the fairy tales, in the end we all are going to die. What is it all for, do not let the stars get lost, hopes and dreams, to go crazy, need to dream, need to dance. Glory dazes done, going crazy, not to stand still, frogs to climb on the back of the other frogs, games of real life.

Life Is A Beach, A Mountain Climb, Roads Traveled Spinning Tops, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks Of Fame, Walks In The Park.Open Books. Pages to go, schools of hard knocks, no knocks, and just a few knocks. Rats to roaches, walks of fame, sunny and bright, wits and charms. Good times, sad times, ugly times, freaks, frogs, fools, paths to cross, roads to travel. I`m the enemy of Devolution. I see the land. It`s not mine. I`m a stranger to the home pine. Creeping doubt follows my back. Flight of ideas is delayed. I`m slack. Borer of memories drills my ears.

Strange -.Sure, yes will eat, fried green tomoatoes every day of the week. Great taste,treats for the spring.Snakes, freaks and frogs, in the house, dinner for some, rats on the run, kids to sell, child surport to live the good life, Yucca Valley, or Long Beach, Ca.Sheep, Lights On.Hopes For Life, Dances In Sunlight, Glory Days Done, Lovers 4 Life.American Drama...

You:common crazy? Three levels of stupid, slow, simple, silly, sons to shine, heads above common,pages to go...🌻Passions Happen, Dames, Dances In Blue Skies,💙.Knights to shine, moons white, darkness for the stars, gifts of dreams. Dreams of love, dreams of trees to climb, dreams of dances on the sands of time.You:common crazy? Three levels of stupid, slow, simple, silly, sons to shine, heads above common,pages to go...

Woman for man, nice guy, lions on top,cream of crops, retired leaders returns, home alone, after the battles for bucks.

Knights to shine, moons white, darkness for the stars, gifts of dreams. Dreams of love, dreams of trees to climb, dreams of dances on the sands of time.You:common crazy? Three levels of stupid, slow, simple, silly, sons to shine, heads above common,pages to go...

Knights to shine, moons white, darkness for the stars, gifts of dreams. Dreams of love, dreams of trees to climb, dreams of dances on the sands of time.You:common crazy? Three levels of stupid, slow, simple, silly, sons to shine, heads above common,pages to go...

🌻Passions Happen, Dames, Dances In Blue Skies,💙.Woman for man, nice guy, lions on top,cream of crops, retired leaders returns, home alone, after the battles for bucks.


Knights to shine, moons white, darkness for the stars, gifts of dreams. Dreams of love, dreams of trees to climb, dreams of dances on the sands of time. Love and hate, to hurt sometimes, life is hare, for the bumps in the road, the only thing that makes us fell alive. Darkness for the dreams, for the knights to quest, time to stand still. Parks for the walks, walks on the sands of time, trips to hell and back. Darkness for the dreams, lights on after the sunsets, stars out.Once Bitten By Snakes, Dances with Wolves. I was smiling yesterday, I'm smiling today, and I will smile tomorrow. Everybody I know Is Crazy.

  • "I don't know what @realDonaldTrump said, but I'm sure he didn't call me a loser. I didn't hear him call me a loser, so this has got to stop. Stop using my image."Pieces of a Dream: Angels, Dragons, Fairy Tales Tops,Coins, Crooks,  Cheaters, Liars, Faces In Shadows, Silent Knights, Black, Yellow, Worms In  Snakes. Good Time Frogs.

  • Time of our lives to come, dances in the streets, dances in the sun, jumps for joy, lots of laughter.I don't have a time travel skill (yet), but here’s to better days ahead. Dang, I didn't expect to see something like this today.
  • Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.Day and nights on the sands of time, angels to hear, birds in the air, good times, lessons learned over time."I don't know what @realDonaldTrump said, but I'm sure he didn't call me a loser. I didn't hear him call me a loser, so this has got to stop. Stop using my image."Pieces of a Dream: Angels, Dragons, Fairy Tales Tops,Coins, Crooks,  Cheaters, Liars, Faces In Shadows, Silent Knights, Black, Yellow, Worms In  Snakes. Good Time Frogs.
Image may contain: grass, outdoor and nature
Places in the dark, places in the night, places in the day, nightmares, ghost and spooks come to talk again. In the middle of the night, men. in the end, personal choices made, baby boomers. 

  • Image
  • Glory Dazes To Come, Walking On Sunshine, Dances On Clouds, Coins On Hand, Houses, Swimming Pools, Waterfalls. Dreams In Motions, Goal Pots.Marriages Changes To Views Also.I don't have a time travel skill (yet), but here’s to better days ahead. I don't have a time travel skill (yet), but here’s to better days ahead. Dang, I didn't expect to see something like this today.
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says '"Create a place for people to live like human beings, instead of slaves to some bullshit concept of Progress that is driving us all mad." -HunterS. Thompson'

Coins On Hand, Boatmen To Waters.Good luck, lots of joys and lots of love, hands to hold, angels on earth, earth angels at that age. Monkeys in packs to dodge, donkey dates, free riders.Like it or Not !! It's a true fact Magic Blue Moon Madness: WINNERS AND LOSERS, DANCES IN THE RAIN, WET AND ALIVE."I don't know what @realDonaldTrump said, but I'm sure he didn't call me a loser. I didn't hear him call me a loser, so this has got to stop. Stop using my image."



Places in the dark, places in the night, places in the day, nightmares, ghost and spooks come to talk again. In the middle of the night, men. in the end, personal choices made, baby boomers. Fairy Tales, life every day.I don't have a time travel skill (yet), but here’s to better days ahead. I don't have a time travel skill (yet), but here’s to better days ahead. Dang, I didn't expect to see something like this today."I don't know what @realDonaldTrump said, but I'm sure he didn't call me a loser. I didn't hear him call me a loser, so this has got to stop. Stop using my image."

  • Time of our lives to come, dances in the streets, dances in the sun, jumps for joy, lots of laughter.I don't have a time travel skill (yet), but here’s to better days ahead. Dang, I didn't expect to see something like this today.
Beyoncé: Songs