Friday, September 4, 2020

Moments lost, faces in the crowds, plenty of fish in the seas, lots of frogs, under the surface, coins to flip, cons to run, rats to roaches, dimes to drop.

More mountains, more blue oceans, more rainbows to follow.Fool You Once .Back to the start, boy meets girl, calls on the phone, chat about life, what was, and what will be.Moments lost, faces in the crowds, plenty of fish in the seas, lots of frogs, under the surface, coins to flip, cons to run, rats to roaches, dimes to drop.

Trust who and what you are. Hedge Knight: Candles Out, Sad Songs Singer Expired News..Jarrot Frog Jewish Freaks, Selling Junk, Way Of Life: Plenty Of Fish To See.Songs and music to made, fan online, leader of the band. Just sit back and enjoy.Fridays, Always Happy, Moments By Moments. Life Is A Beach: Penny Lanes, Frogs To Toads. . I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't. - Steve Prefontaine.
More mountains, more blue oceans, more rainbows to follow.Fool You Once .Back to the start, boy meets girl, calls on the phone, chat about life, what was, and what will be. Moments lost, faces in the crowds, plenty of fish in the seas, lots of frogs, under the surface, coins to flip, cons to run, rats to roaches, dimes to drop.
  Trust who and what you are. Hedge Knight: Candles Out, Sad Songs Singer Expired News..Jarrot Frog Jewish Freaks, Selling Junk, Way Of Life: Plenty Of Fish To See.Songs and music to made, fan online, leader of the band. Just sit back and enjoy.Fridays, Always Happy, Moments By Moments. Life Is A Beach: Penny Lanes, Frogs To Toads. . I do it because I can, I can because I want to, I want to because you said I couldn't. - Steve Prefontaine.
 Moments lost, faces in the crowds, plenty of fish in the seas, lots of frogs, under the surface, coins to flip, cons to run, rats to roaches, dimes to drop. Angels To Cry, Tests Over Time, To Fail, First Attempts With New Data, Pages Turned. Here's half a buck. Call somebody who gives a fuck and tell them.

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