Tricks of the trade, Felix the cat, had a bag, full of shit that had things that he needed. It did not matter, what, where, or who, it was just matters of facts, fiction and fun. Rocks to roll, marbles to loose, stone, to build, to bet, to rock the boat. I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human, I'm not perfect but I'm thankful.Lucky breaks, walks in the park, sunny and bright, heads above the common.
THX! Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues:Graduated from Chapman University. Purple Rain: Dances For Luck, Love, Lessons: Daily. Holidays, Birthdays, Great Days Daily, Pages To Books, Birds And Bees, Songs On Winds.
So no time left to play around with empty spaces . And blank faces. Be the only one.Cows and rats, butches and dykes, Rachel and Sheri , and Steven Jarrot, sucker for free rides.They Don't Care About Us.Treats. 'You look back at your old stuff and you're horrified'. You can do 99 things for ...
A wise man hears one word and understands two.Love friends forever. Wishes, Hopes,Defined: Hang On: Pains Ends. No: Next Opening. Faces In The Light Of The Moons. Silent Knights, Frogs, Spiders And Snakes In The Grass.
THX! Veterans Housing Matters: Homeless Blues:Graduated from Chapman University. Purple Rain: Dances For Luck, Love, Lessons: Daily. Holidays, Birthdays, Great Days Daily, Pages To Books, Birds And Bees, Songs On Winds. I fall, I rise, I make mistakes, I live, I learn, I've been hurt but I'm alive. I'm human, I'm not perfect but I'm thankful.Lucky breaks, walks in the park, sunny and bright, heads above the common.
Families, We can not thank you enough. You have been amazing during this unusual time. Take some time today to show off your families. It can be from any occasion. Thomas Ewing families rock!!No: Next Opening. Faces In The Light Of The Moons. Silent Knights, Frogs, Spiders And Snakes In The Grass.
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