Saturday, November 7, 2020

Fat And Wide,“whatever” I mean fuck you.Thank you Universe for divinely guiding me to my purpose. Thank you Universe for loving me beyond measure.


  • Time of our lives to come, dances in the streets, dances in the sun, jumps for joy, lots of laughter.I don't have a time travel skill (yet), but here’s to better days ahead. Dang, I didn't expect to see something like this today.  Don’t call me angel . 'DON'T BE AFRAID TO OFFEND THOSE WCL THAT DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE'Fat And Wide,“whatever” I mean fuck you.Thank you Universe for divinely guiding me to my purpose. Thank you Universe for loving me beyond measure.
  • Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.Day and nights on the sands of time, angels to hear, birds in the air, good times, lessons learned over time."I don't know what @realDonaldTrump said, but I'm sure he didn't call me a loser. I didn't hear him call me a loser, so this has got to stop. Stop using my image."Fat And Wide,“whatever” I mean fuck you.Thank you Universe for divinely guiding me to my purpose. Thank you Universe for loving me beyond measure.

Places in the dark, places in the night, places in the day, nightmares, ghost and spooks come to talk again. In the middle of the night, men. in the end, personal choices made, baby boomers. 

  • Image
  • Glory Dazes To Come, Walking On Sunshine, Dances On Clouds, Coins On Hand, Houses, Swimming Pools, Waterfalls. Dreams In Motions, Goal Pots.Marriages Changes To Views Also.I don't have a time travel skill (yet), but here’s to better days ahead. I don't have a time travel skill (yet), but here’s to better days ahead. Dang, I didn't expect to see something like this today.
Image may contain: 1 person, text that says '"Create a place for people to live like human beings, instead of slaves to some bullshit concept of Progress that is driving us all mad." -HunterS. Thompson'

Coins On Hand, Boatmen To Waters.Good luck, lots of joys and lots of love, hands to hold, angels on earth, earth angels at that age. Monkeys in packs to dodge, donkey dates, free riders.Like it or Not !! It's a true fact Magic Blue Moon Madness: WINNERS AND LOSERS, DANCES IN THE RAIN, WET AND ALIVE."I don't know what @realDonaldTrump said, but I'm sure he didn't call me a loser. I didn't hear him call me a loser, so this has got to stop. Stop using my image."

Strength is an attitude, a discipline, determination & drive." Battles And Wars Won: Life Is A Beach, A Mountain, A Song To Sing: Daily...Strange -.Sure, yes will eat, fried green tomoatoes every day of the week. Great taste,treats for the spring.Snakes, freaks and frogs, in the house, dinner for some, rats on the run, kids to sell, child surport to live the good life, Yucca Valley, or Long Beach, Ca.Sheep, Lights On.Hopes For Life, Dances In Sunlight, Glory Days Done, Lovers 4 Life.American Drama...

Everyday do something that makes you happy, until it becomes a habit...I wish you a good start to the week,Have a nice Monday everyone...Big kisses...  Books on days of the week, seven short men jumping back into the graves for color rocks.1:11 Watch Escape The Night, The Clowns, Jokers, Frog Faces, Treats. Not.

Snakes and frogs, lovers of shit, lovers of dicks to suck, had a turn once, had a lady in hand, cost a lot, paid for months, trip to Texas, had the kids, and the wife, RV trouble, the one that caught on fire, no answers to my calls, back in the day, another veteran robbed, by dances dicks on the side of the road. 7608512267, pimp and drug dealer to call. You were that dream that never came... my soulmate who never found however much I looked for her.....

  • Magic Madness, Windows In Heaven: Sinners And Saints:Layers Of Lessons.Day and nights on the sands of time, angels to hear, birds in the air, good times, lessons learned over time.Escape The Ordinary, The Plains, The Commons, Rites ... Once  in time, had a moment to spare, wanted to find, another man, stranger to friend, paths to cross, roads to travel.
Places in the dark, places in the night, places in the day, nightmares, ghost and spooks come to talk again. In the middle of the night, men. in the end, personal choices made, baby boomers. Fairy Tales, life every day.I don't have a time travel skill (yet), but here’s to better days ahead. I don't have a time travel skill (yet), but here’s to better days ahead. Dang, I didn't expect to see something like this today."I don't know what @realDonaldTrump said, but I'm sure he didn't call me a loser. I didn't hear him call me a loser, so this has got to stop. Stop using my image."

  • Time of our lives to come, dances in the streets, dances in the sun, jumps for joy, lots of laughter.I don't have a time travel skill (yet), but here’s to better days ahead. Dang, I didn't expect to see something like this today.

Escape The Ordinary, The Plains, The Commons, Rites ... Once  in time, had a moment to spare, wanted to find, another man, stranger to friend, paths to cross, roads to travel.

Beyoncé: Songs

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