Hey. You need a hug, I think. I'm sending you one right now. It's gonna be okay.Other People’s Money. Hey, quick question. Would you like to earn income by lending other people's money?Chasing The Monuments.TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK (And How to Become One of Them)".
Time to turn the lights on, the sun is setting and the colors are better than yesterday, just my point of view, love to see the flashing colors against the blues, and the yellows that make up the sunset.
They live, they grow,they expand. Stars born daily, lights to shine, sons of light, truth, peace and joy. Swingers To Dodge, Snake Dens Sells: Ghorm de Lhairh...
Blue dreams, blue oceans, rides on the seven seas, rocks and rolls, over the rocks under the waves, good times to cheer. Dreams and wishes, hopes and prayers in the air, battles to win, fires of heat. Tales of love and hate, time to get down, writing more stories of the stones that were toss, frogs and snakes left to bake in the sun. Happy and delighted with days on the sunny side of the moon, dates to set with the giants on land, giants on the earth, giants to sail the seven seas.
Captions and sailers, ships to sail, glory dazes again.Monkeys to see, races to run, good times, and tales of joys and pains, bumps in the road. Monkeys to dance around the mulberry trees, the dogwood trees, games in the woods... Pieces of a Dream: Love and Hate, Goats And Cows, Sheep To Feed, Daily Chores.
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