Saturday, August 15, 2020

Follow the Bright Stars. Shining Stars.Hills and valley go up and down.Rocks beneath the surface slow you down.

Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections. It is never to late to start again but yes it is always very early when one gives up. 

Follow the Bright Stars. Shining Stars.Hills and valley go up and down.Rocks beneath the surface slow you down.Lots of knights in blue, drama dreams, singers in the lights, stars to shine, good times, making music. Happy Birthday notes, every day, gifts of life to share, pictures online, tales to write, glory dazes done. Love and luck, good and evil, light and darkness, blue and white, knights to sing the blues. Games of lovers, games of haters, hats and horns, hair and wigs, glory dazes done, pages to turn. Lessons learned in the blue, in the nines, birds to glory dazes, angels on earth, earth angels to some, other labels to call.
On trails during the paths taken, you choose.Paths alone your journey or life, you choose.
Friends come to lend a hand.Name calling and put downs are never needed.Broken, hurt, and crying for the losses.Hanging on cross, is not a forever thing, thank God.Days are longer without plans, noticeable also?
Plans made yours, or others wishes?Hope, wishes, prayers, desires are all equal.
Dreams cover plans, not goals while sleeping.Differences dreams last longer, not plans or goals.Goals have deadlines to plans set.Help requested to keep free will strong.Opinions, excuses and justification are always in place.Blessed are those chosen to lead, shining stars.Blessed are those that follow stars bright.

Have fun, will let your third party know, how wonderful you are. So much growth to exchange. Specific are for the birds, no idea who you are, you are not my kind of person. Mistakes in identifying who and what you are. 
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Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections. It is never to late to start again but yes it is always very early when one gives up. 

Lots of knights in blue, drama dreams, singers in the lights, stars to shine, good times, making music. Happy Birthday notes, every day, gifts of life to share, pictures online, tales to write, glory dazes done. Love and luck, good and evil, light and darkness, blue and white, knights to sing the blues. Games of lovers, games of haters, hats and horns, hair and wigs, glory dazes done, pages to turn. Lessons learned in the blue, in the nines, birds to glory dazes, angels on earth, earth angels to some, other labels to call.

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Follow the Bright Stars. Shining Stars.Hills and valley go up and down.Rocks beneath the surface slow you down.So many times .Ooh La La.SEEKER OF TRUTH.School of Hard Knocks:Spinning Tops, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks Of Fame, Walks In The Park. Vaccination: How the West Invades the World.Have fun, will let your third party know, how wonderful you are. So much growth to exchange.

How the West Invades the World.Have fun, will let your third party know, how wonderful you are. So much growth to exchange.Have a wonderful day, with head buried, lots of luck. Turning out lights now. Another snake to dodge.Good afternoon brother's and sister's. Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend. Many blessings. White Feather".

So many times .Ooh La La.SEEKER OF TRUTH.School of Hard Knocks:Spinning Tops, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks Of Fame, Walks In The Park. Vaccination: Lots of knights in blue, drama dreams, singers in the lights, stars to shine, good times, making music. Happy Birthday notes, every day, gifts of life to share, pictures online, tales to write, glory dazes done. Love and luck, good and evil, light and darkness, blue and white, knights to sing the blues. Games of lovers, games of haters, hats and horns, hair and wigs, glory dazes done, pages to turn. Lessons learned in the blue, in the nines, birds to glory dazes, angels on earth, earth angels to some, other labels to call.

How the West Invades the World.Have fun, will let your third party know, how wonderful you are. So much growth to exchange.Most men and women have a laundry list of what they want their ideal dream mate to have. And you can match that list perfectly except when you finally meet face to face in the real world all of that doesn't matter if there is no chemistry nor physical attraction. 420 to break ice is better for first meeting, it is my point of view, do you agree?
So what am I looking for? To meet you and see if there is any physical attraction and chemistry and then we can discuss all the rest of the details and see if we would make a good couple. Does any of this make sense to you?

Follow the Bright Stars. Shining Stars.Hills and valley go up and down.Rocks beneath the surface slow you down.So many times .Ooh La La.SEEKER OF TRUTH.School of Hard Knocks:Spinning Tops, Starr Bright Tonight, Walks Of Fame, Walks In The Park. Vaccination: How the West Invades the World.Have fun, will let your third party know, how wonderful you are. So much growth to exchange.

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