Saturday, August 15, 2020

When the devil whispers, "You're not good enough," we also hear, "and you never will be." We may not be good enough BUT we WILL be better.Goodness and mercy, dazes of angels, say the other angels on earth, birds and bees, songs to sing.

Moments Lost In Time. Hit The Road, Jack, Do Not Return, English ?The Joys and Pains of Single Black Women: I am a Sorcerer .Dreams to have, dreams to work.Dicks, Dawgs, Dates, Plenty Of Frogs To Kiss: Lessons Daily, Mountains Tops.
Classes On Love, Hate, Nuts, Beans, Goats And Sheep, Franky Trees ...
Lights, Love, Lust, Lucky Breaks, Good Times Toads, Faces In The Crowds.I got a brand new pair of roller skates, with a key, walking on sunshine, mountains left to climb.When the devil whispers, "You're not good enough," we also hear, "and you never will be." We may not be good enough BUT we WILL be better.Goodness and mercy, dazes of angels, say the other angels on earth, birds and bees, songs to sing. 

Believe or Deceive? Why Liars Are Difficult to Sniff Out -Disneyland, Police State Of Crooks, Rats In Gloves, Wave Of Voices, Voices, Values, Dances With Wolves.IN TOWN ON BUSINESS ðŸŒ¹In case you need some ''awwww'' today, here is a little vid for you! -In case you need some ''awwww'' today, here is a little vid for you! Disneyland Annual Pass-holders. Dances With Wolves..IN TOWN .

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“You are part of the world’s most feared and trusted to share, good times with a snakes in the grass, donkeys and sluts in the herds, cows and cattle to call, cheap tricks on the side of the road.Writing pieces of my mind, views online, journals in pen names, is what I do daily, going to write books in the 6 decade of my life, have so much to do, before I get there.    Hard to say,strangers to friends, age, how tall, located where, factors that matter, friends online, lots to learn, lots to teach,... 

     MAXCHANGESIBLOGATHARDKNOCKSDAILY2020.BLOGSPOT.COM  Views Online, History To Note: Names And Faces: Retards, Snakes Dawgs 2.Faces, Views, Noses, Chicks, Babes, Lots Of Luck, Lessons Daily:  Hard to say,strangers to friends, age, how tall,…          When the devil whispers, "You're not good enough," we also hear, "and you never will be." We may not be good enough BUT we WILL be better.Goodness and mercy, dazes of angels, say the other angels on earth, birds and bees, songs to sing. STANDARDS SET.

Image may contain: bridge and outdoor, text that says 'When seeing graffiti on a bridge... some people: That's art! other people: That's vandalism me: How the hell did they get up there?!'
Did You Catch It?The worlds noise gets really quiet when you are in tune with yourself.People Admit The One Thing That Instantly Makes Them Hate Someone.When the devil whispers, "You're not good enough," we also hear, "and you never will be." We may not be good enough BUT we WILL be better.Goodness and mercy, dazes of angels, say the other angels on earth, birds and bees, songs to sing. 

Believe or Deceive? Why Liars Are Difficult to Sniff Out -Disneyland, Police State Of Crooks, Rats In Gloves, Wave Of Voices, Voices, Values, Dances With Wolves.IN TOWN ON BUSINESS .In case you need some ''awwww'' today, here is a little vid for you! -In case you need some ''awwww'' today, here is a little vid for you! Disneyland Annual Pass-holders. Dances With Wolves..IN TOWN .

Image may contain: one or more people and text

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