Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections.

Most men and women have a laundry list of what they want their ideal dream mate to have. And you can match that list perfectly except when you finally meet face to face in the real world all of that doesn't matter if there is no chemistry nor physical attraction. 420 to break ice is better for first meeting, it is my point of view, do you agree?
Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections.

So what am I looking for? To meet you and see if there is any physical attraction and chemistry and then we can discuss all the rest of the details and see if we would make a good couple. Does any of this make sense to you?

So what am I looking for? To meet you and see if there is any physical attraction and chemistry and then we can discuss all the rest of the details and see if we would make a good couple. Does any of this make sense to you?
Hearts To Hold, Joys And Pains, Bumps And Hard Knocks. Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections. It is never to late to start again but yes it is always very early when one gives up. As the new year renews all the happiness and good tidi...
WAVESTOBEMADEMOREMOUNTAINSLEFTDAILY.BLOGSPOT.COM Hit The Road, Jack, Do Not Return, English ?Sisters Within, Mothers, Girls, Cali Babes, Earth Angels, Fish And Frogs, Faces In The Crowds. Castles In The Sky, Back To Square One.Steps.Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections.
Don't ever allow anyone to take you for granted, you are too valuable not to be appreciated. It's so dope to watch ppl succeed and do cool shit in life.The Very Best of Jazz Divas: Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Mildred Bailey.WHY IS DATING SO HARD TO DO:I'm out here genuinely rooting for everyone.It's all about perception. You create your own reality because in your world, it is of importance. Military Report:
Blue Oceans To Create, What I Know, What I Want, And What I Need.Words In Waves.Crooks, Cheaters, Liars, Peas In Pods, Frogs In Groups, Family Affairs. Hands out for help, hands out to guide, hands out to give a ride, life of a sinner, life of a saint, ways to go.Happy for a new day, will have to give thanks for family and friends that are always there in the background, the people that you can not out grow, happy for the connections.
"What can be brighter than the Stars". http://flickr.com, dawn...daily...Darkness for the dreams, for the knights to quest, time to stand still. Parks for the walks, walks on the sands of time, trips to hell and back. Darkness for the dreams, lights on after the sunsets, stars out.

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